Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mini - Metamorphosis Monday: Harvest Basket

I'm joining all the creative and talented bloggers over at Between Naps On The Porch for

This hardly qualifies as a METAMORPHOSIS, so I'm gonna call
it a MINI-Metamorphosis.....quick and easy project that takes about 30 minutes total and could be applied to anything that can take a coat of quick spray paint.

This is an old iron harvest basket that I've used in my garden for years.  Chippy paint, rusty, a little lot out of round and it has been standing in a corner behind my garden shed all winter.

Ten minutes to scrub it with soapy hot water, 10 minutes to spray paint it with
my new most favorite color of green paint ( see my birdcage makeover ), 10 minutes to put
probably way toooo much stuff in one corner of the kitchen me "less is more"
is an unknown concept.....I'm more of a "more is better" kinda gal.  After Christmas I usually
just clear everything off the kitchen counters and then by this time in January I start adding
stuff back!  By Easter it will be time to clear the decks again, but for right now here's my
Mini-Metamorphosis painted green harvest basket
Level of Difficulty - Your kids could do it!
Time Invested - 30 minutes
Cost - $1.50 for 1/4 Can of Spray Paint
Level of Satisfaction - Priceless on another DRAB RAINY GRAY day


  1. I am going to have to learn how to spray paint. I just haven't gotten the hang of it. I have several wire things to do. You have inspired me again. But, yours is so perfect!

  2. I love the power of spray paint! That is a perfect color. :-)

  3. Looks great! You certainly found the perfect spot for the basket to hang out for a while! :)

  4. Love this idea, great use of a harvest basket and the white dishes really are a favorite of mine. The green is also a fav of mine, it is very much like the color of my kitchen cupboards, I call it depression green since it looks like the green they use during the great depression, Great job! Kathysue

  5. Great use for that little basket! I love your corner with the little piggies and hen all dressed in white.

  6. Thanks ladies, this is my favorite kind of project! The instant gratification is a good thing and the no investment of $ appeals to me too. :-)


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