Deauville is in the Calvados department in the Basse-Normandie region in northwestern France. With its racecourse, harbor, international film festival, marinas, conference center, villas, Grand Casino and sumptuous hotels, Deauville is regarded as the "queen of the Norman beaches" and one of the most prestigious seaside resorts in all of France. It is the closest seaside when coming from Paris, the city and the nearby region of the Côte Fleurie has long been home to French high society's seaside houses and is often referred to as the Parisian riviera. Since the 19th century, the town of Deauville has been a fashionable holiday resort for the international upper class.
Deauville silver plate flatware by Oneida Community
Deauville silver plate flatware by Oneida Community
This set for 12 of Deauville came from eBay and cost a lot less than an ordinary set of flatware from a retailer. The original ads for this pattern are from Ladies Home Journal October 1929.

Deauville, France:
F. Scott Fitzgerald mentions Deauville in "The Great Gatsby" as a place Tom Buchanan and Daisy visit on their honeymoon.
Deauville was probably the location inspiration for the fictional casino in Ian Fleming's Casino Royale. The first of the James Bond series largely takes part in a Casino - Fleming had played at Deauville as a young man, and sets his tale of Bond versus Soviet agents in a fictional French gambling resort, drawing parallels with an actual WW2 visit he had made to a Portuguese casino whilst working for the British secret service.
The screen adaption of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Links was set in Deauville.
The Deauville casino is the setting for the heist in Bob le flambeur, directed by Jean-Pierre Melville. It is also held-up in the 2008 movie Mesrine: L'ennemi public № 1.
Deauville was the setting for part of A Man and a Woman.
Deauville, together with Cabourg and Trouville, provides the basis for the Norman coastal resort of Balbec in Marcel Proust's A La Recherche du Temps Perdu (Remembrance of Things Past).
Deauville was a popular vacation spot for Coco Chanel during her affair with Boy Capel. The two opened her second shop there, which was the first place Chanel took the step from hat making to clothing. Deauville was the birth place of Chanel's clothing career.
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Originally published October 2010 for:
Frugal Friday over at The Shabby Nest
Frugalicious Friday over at Finding Fabulous
Jenny Matlock for Alphabe-Thursday for the letter "D" - "D" is for Deauville