Fiesta is pretty much always seen as a casual dinnerware line, but that doesn't mean it can't Go-Glam with the big girls! Take the lead from a few vintage pieces like this Demitasse Cup and Saucer with matching B&B and Salad Plate. Or the Ovenserve Cake Lifter or even the Fiesta Sweets Comport with the swirly gold decal.
Glam Gold Chargers, Black and Ivory Post 86 Fiesta, Fitz & Floyd "Coquilles Combinées" salad plates, a sparkly copper/gold contemporary tablecloth, Kenilworth Carafe, add accessories and Fiesta can surely Go-Glam. The oil lamp is from one of my favorite hotels of all time, The Hotel 1829 in St. Thomas.
"I want there to be no peasant in my realm so poor that he will not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday."
"A chicken in every pot" is a quotation that is perhaps one of the most mis-assigned in American political history. Variously attributed to each of four presidents serving between 1920 and 1936, it is most often associated with Herbert Hoover. Although Hoover never uttered the phrase, the Republican Party did use it in a 1928 campaign advertisement touting a period of "Republican prosperity" that had provided a "chicken in every pot.
And a car in every backyard to boot."
The link between Hoover and the phrase "a chicken in every pot" can be traced to a paid advertisement which apparently originated with the Republican National Committee, who inserted it into a number of newspapers during the 1928 campaign. The ad described in detail how the Republican administrations of Harding and Coolidge had "reduced hours and increased earning capacity, silenced discontent, put the proverbial 'chicken in every pot.' And a car in every backyard, to boot." The ad concluded that a vote for Hoover would be a vote for continued prosperity.
America invented industrial poultry production, but a century ago in the United States, chickens were more prized as showpieces than dinner table centerpieces. Chickens, like many fancy pigeon breeds of today, were bred more for exhibition than consumption. Only around 1910 did raising these birds for eggs supersede raising them for show. When Herbert Hoover promised “a chicken in every pot” in 1928, America’s entire annual per-capita consumption could fit in a pot. Americans were eating an average of only a half-pound of chicken a year. By 1945, the figure stood at five pounds per year. The radical change happened after World War II. Current chicken consumption is around 90 pounds a year, over half a bird a week. Chicken used to be more expensive than steak or lobster in the United States; poultry may now be cheaper than the potatoes with which it’s served.
This vintage tablecloth depicts various pots and pans and other small kitchen appliances in a homey colorway that says, "warm and cozy" to me. Both contemporary and vintage pieces are included for the perfect chicken dinner to be served on The Little Round Table. Details at the end of this post.
Vintage Kitchen Kraft individual casserole in Fiesta Yellow
Vintage Fiesta Disc pitcher in Yellow
Vintage Harlequin Ball Jug in Light Green
Vintage rack holding vintage custard cups from several makers.
Fiesta Yellow Kitchen Kraft Ball Jar
Italian Glass chargers - Tuesday Morning
Contemporary Fiesta in Shamrock, Cinnabar and White
This is what was happening in February 2010 on The Little Round Table.
This vintage tablecloth is set with Post 86 Fiesta in Turquoise, Lemongrass Persimmon and Sunflower. Glass chargers are Italian from Tuesday Morning. The single egg cups are vintage Harlequin as is the yellow cream pitcher. The Turquoise fruit bowl is a vintage "Betty Bowl" from Betty Crocker. The large Sunflower pitcher is Fiestaware 2000, flatware is a licensed Fiesta go-along called "Masquerade." Glassware is from Target. The little turquoise vase is vintage ceramic from an unknown maker. The little fishy salt and pepper shakers are vintage Chicken o' The Sea premiums.
Thanks so much for stopping by to revisit this tablescape!