Sunday, July 31, 2011

Remembering Miss Becky

Not saying goodbye, waiting until we say hello again.

Remembering that drawl, all the blue, pomegranates, daughters, husbands, gardens, old things and deco too.

The memories will not be packed away, but brought out and used for everyday, not just for special times.

Adding more random musings to the mix, as I remember my friend Becky who left us just a few days ago,
but is already missed so very much.

Food or flowers for today's memory?  I think flowers.

Thinking 'bout you Miss Becky.


  1. A sweet tribute.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved friend.


  3. So sad to hear this news. I know she had some big happy events going on in her life.
    It sounds as if the end came very suddenly.

    Namaste and may you find the weather to your liking, Miss Becky. Be at peace.

  4. So sad. I know we celebrate the lives of our loved one's but it's sad too. I wish you peace as you celebrate the life of your friend.

  5. I am so sorry for the early parting of your friend and my blog friend, Becky. I had been a follower since I started because I loved her recipes and many inspirations her beautiful, full of life blog had for me. May God keep her soul. Thank you for letting us know. FABBY

  6. What a lovely tribute. I too was a blogging friend and message board friend for about the past ten years. I am so saddened by this and I truly miss her. Words escape me.

    Carolyn/A Southerners Notebook

  7. I'm so sorry to hear of your dear friend's passing. What a sweet tribute to her.
    Blessings to you,
    shelia ;)

  8. Wonderful tribute to a dear friend! Sorry for you loss.

  9. What a lovely tribute to your dear friend. I am also glad your hubby is doing better.
    :) CAS

  10. That last shot is so pretty Candy! :)

  11. Thank you allfor remembering Becky with me. We knew there wasn't much time left, but it came so suddenly I think we are just now beginning to absorb the reality of it all.


  12. I am sorry for the loss of your dear friend. I share the same birth month and year, it hits me a little harder when I see that.......I lost two dear friends (in 1998 at age 48 to breast cancer, the other in 2004 from complications of diabetes, 59), and not a day goes by that I don't think of them. Glad your husband is doing better. xo

  13. A beautiful tribute to your friend, Becky, in both words and images.


Thank you for your lovely comments.

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