Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Home is where .....

Mr. TLRT and I made our home in the ICU for a few days,
then in the TCU for another few days, and now we are
back home where we belong.

Thank you all for your touching and sweet comments,
prayers for our family and your kindness.

There is a road to recovery ahead for us, with some twists
and turns at times, but we are together where we belong.
Not the most liberated of sentiments, but home is where 
my husband is.


  1. This is wonderful news, Candy. I'm so glad you're both back home!

  2. Candy, so glad to hear you all are home. What wonderful news! And I heartily concur with your sentiment.


  3. So glad to hear that he's doing better Candy! Take care:@)

  4. Aw, I think this is so sweet! I am happy y'all are home. I have been thinking about y'all, Candy!

  5. So glad to hear that your hubby is on the mend and that both of you are home!

  6. Candy, I've been away from my computer and didn't see the previous note till just this morning. I'm so happy to hear that you are back home now and that your husband is doing better. I will continue to keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers. I agree with your sentiment. Home is where your husband is. All the best to both of you. ~ Sarah

  7. It may not be a liberated sentiment, but it is a loving and honest one. I am sorry I did not see your prior post sooner. I am happy to hear your husband is doing better and that you are back home. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.


  8. Oh, Candy! I'm so sorry all this has happy to your husband but the good news is he's well enough to be home again! You both will be in my prayers!
    Shelia ;)

  9. Hi lovely lady.
    I'm also sorry abouth your Husband !! But now he is home with you sweet lady. I send you both my Blessings.
    xxoo Diane

  10. Thanks for posting again Candy. I couldn't get the two of you out of my thoughts. So pleased to know you both made it home! Will continue with the prayers,
    Take care,

  11. Great news, will keep the prayers going out...

  12. Our Lord has taken over the healing. So happy to hear your BOTH home where you belong. Prayers will continue. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  13. Oh, Candy, this is wonderful news!! I'll continue praying for his healing and strength for both of you through this recuperation period.
    Hugs and prayers,

  14. Oh, I am so glad to see this news. You've been on my mind. May the healing continue apace -- and do take care of yourself, too!

  15. Glad to hear he is home and on the road to recovery! Blessings!~Ames

  16. Continuing to pray for strength and patience.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  17. I'm glad you are home. You are both still in my prayers. I hope you are getting some rest too so you can continue to care for him.

  18. Oh how wonderful you are back home together! That's a big step! It's a miracle today how they can get people recovered and on their way home so fast! I'm sure there are many details of your life that have changed, but like you said you are back home together and that's the most important thing!

  19. Glad you are home! rest and relax!

  20. perfectly said...that is my sentiments exactly..continuing to send yall my prayers - Donna Tullis

  21. You both have been in my prayers. I am so glad he is home. I have been visiting your blog for months now and feel like you have become a good friend through your posts. I have been so worried for both you and your husband over the past weeks. I will continue to pray for a full recovery.

  22. Wonderful news, Candy! Wishing him a full recovery. I know you'll take good care of your great guy!

  23. Wonderful news Candy. We will keep you both in our prayers & pray for a speedy recovery.

  24. Candy, I've been away for awhile and was surprised to learn of your family's situation. I'm now praying and sending best wishes for a quick and complete recovery! Home is most definitely where our husbands are! May you and yours be blessed.

  25. You are absolutely right!!! We may complain sometimes, but "when Papa ain't goin' strong...ain't nobody happy!"
    Prayers for well-being for both of you, and many blessings!

  26. So glad you are both home and that your hubby is doing better.

  27. Candy, so glad to see you and yours are home and recovering.

  28. ...thoughts and prayers and positive feelings coming your way.....



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