During that summer When unicorns were still possible; When the purpose of knees Was to be skinned; When shiny horse chestnuts (Hollowed out Fitted with straws Crammed with tobacco Stolen from butts In family ashtrays) Were puffed in green lizard silence While straddling thick branches Far above and away From the softening effects Of civilization;
During that summer-- Which may never have been at all; But which has become more real Than the one that was-- Watermelons ruled.
Thick imperial slices Melting frigidly on sun-parched tongues Dribbling from chins; Leaving the best part, The black bullet seeds, To be spit out in rapid fire Against the wall Against the wind Against each other;
And when the ammunition was spent, There was always another bite: It was a summer of limitless bites, Of hungers quickly felt And quickly forgotten With the next careless gorging.
The bites are fewer now. Each one is savored lingeringly, Swallowed reluctantly.
But in a jar put up by Felicity, The summer which maybe never was Has been captured and preserved. And when we unscrew the lid And slice off a piece And let it linger on our tongue: Unicorns become possible again.
The 19th annual East Liverpool High School Alumni Association Pottery Auction will be held on Sunday, June 23, 2013. The auction will feature pottery items made in the Tri-State area, plus other memorabilia related to the history of the area. In addition to items consigned or donated by individuals, the auction will feature limited-production pieces donated by local manufacturers.
The Homer Laughlin China Company's donation will be twelve individually numbered Fiesta® Coffeepots in the Flamingo glaze color.
The W.C. Bunting Company will contribute twelve individually numbered calendar plates in Fiesta® Flamingo.
The Hall China Company donation as of press deadline is yet to be announced.
Other items featured in the auction will include early pottery pieces and other memorabilia which are significant to the unique history of the East Liverpool area.
Absentee bids are welcome. Absentee bids for the auction should be sent to Deanna Plemons at the Clock Tower office by phone at 330-385-0591 or email Deanna@elhsaa.com. Deadline for receipt of bids is Friday, June 21st, at 5 p.m., Eastern time. All sales are final.
The HL outlet is taking orders starting today for the Lapis Small fluted Vase 1-800-452-4462 Option #1 $75 plus $10 shipping ONE per customer. UPDATE 5/24/13 SOLD OUT