Another five months on the unexpected journey, lots of tests, and heavy duty chemicals have been thrown into the mix to try to beat this disease. Seven rounds of chemo under my belt, with five more weeks until the end of this first cycle.
The next step is still in the planning stage and will include an additional surgery to remove regrowth of this rare and aggressive tumor (metaplastic carcinoma), additional rounds of chemo and then some radiation will be added at some point.
I have no hair, but I do have an ever growing collection of hats that may soon be in competition with the dish collection. I miss you all and the banter about dishes. My focus still remains on winning this battle for my life. All of your kind thoughts and prayers, cards and letters are so very much appreciated. I keep them in a basket next to me and re-read them often, especially on the hard days.
There are still more bad days than good, more tears than smiles, but I am hoping that Spring will bring good news and progress in the battle. Keep talking about those dishes, it gives me hope.
3 hours ago